NoraLEE | USP&E Sees Growth Opportunities in USA and Australia

NORALEE|USP&E understands that the millions of dollars that power plant owners initially invest on their equipment is often only a fraction of their total cost of ownership over the project life cycle. A dedicated and experienced O&M specialist manage the service and maintenance of the power station assets with a view of ensuring energy efficiency and asset life extension targets are maintained while keeping reliability above 99% with good constant fuel efficiency.

We understand that the Sri Lanka Energy Sector Targets for 2015-2025 are as follows:

  • i)  To make Sri Lanka an energy self-sufficient nation by 2030
  • ii)  Increase the share of electricity generation from renewable energy sources dramatically
  • iii)  Increase the electricity generation capacity of the system from 4,050 MW to 6,400 MW by 2025
  • iv)  Generate a minimum 1,000 MW of electricity using indigenous gas resources discovered in Mannar basin by 2020
  • v)  Increase generation capacity of low cost thermal power plants fired by natural gas and biomass to 2,000 MW to reduce the generation costs and to diversify generation mix;
  • vi)  Provide affordable electricity coverage to 100% of the people of the country on a continuous basis;
  • vii)  Reduce the technical and commercial losses of the electricity transmission and distribution networ;
  • xiv) Reduce the carbon footprint of the energy sector by 5% by 2025

NoraLEE | USP&EAfrica is the global power plant solutions provider for expert services. We are working to become a preferred vendor to the Ministry of Energy in Sri Lanka. Please see our service portfolio at If your organization, utility, or company’s project is not in South Africa, we have strategic offices in other locations, just click here to view.