Renewable and Hybrid Energy are the Future – Is Nuclear Energy A Part of that Future?

  • Both renewable/hybrid energy and nuclear energy are reliable, clean sources of energy.
  • A power plant cannot be restructured to become a nuclear power plant – renewable/hybrid power plants can be constructed on top of existing power plants or extended onto existing power plants
  • The costs to construct a new nuclear power plant are incredibly expensive – the costs that exist for constructing renewable/hybrid energy power plants or extending renewable/hybrid energy generators onto existing power plants are much less than nuclear energy and the costs are much more feasible
  • The operating costs that exist with nuclear energy power plants are massive – this is in direct contrast to the operating costs that exist with renewable/hybrid energy
  • There are military risks that exist with nuclear energy – no such risks exist with renewable/hybrid energy
  • Nuclear power plants pose a meltdown risk – while some risks do exist with renewable/hybrid energy power plants/generators it is not near to the same extent that can occur with nuclear power plants
  • While nuclear energy is evolving, there are no guarantees that the challenges that exist with it today will disappear, and new challenges may arise. As of right now and based on examinations of the future, renewable/hybrid energy is the #1 clean and reliable source of energy of today and for the future

The entire world has a desperate need for electricity, but the resources that are required for the current energy infrastructures and for the current global energy demand are limited and are fading rapidly. While this is a significant crisis, there are solutions that exist today (such as Renewable and Hybrid Energy). Solutions and new innovations are required to combat this crisis of diminishing resources. Thankfully USP&E has the knowledge and expertise to provide real solutions to this energy crisis – our solutions, products, and services with renewable and hybrid energy are of world-class value. USP&E has extensive knowledge in the energy industry and we are aware of nuclear energy as it exists today. We seek to enlighten a world audience on the exciting possibilities for the future of energy.


In order to illustrate just how effective and valuable renewable and hybrid energy is, it is helpful for us to examine a possible solution to the energy crisis – nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy is the energy that lies within the nucleus or the core of an atom. Atoms are incredibly small, invisible to the naked eye. These tiny atoms are so fascinating because all matter in the known universe is comprised of them. From large mountains to minuscule stones, they are all comprised of atoms. Even you (the reader) are comprised of atoms. Every atom’s core contains a nucleus, which is encompassed by both protons and neutrons. An atom’s nucleus is held together with an incredible amount of energy – nuclear energy. The word ‘nuclear’ is derived from the ‘nucleus’ of an atom.

Nuclear Fusion v Nuclear Fission:

Nuclear Energy is of relevance because it can reliably produce large amounts of energy. Before that can happen, however, it needs to be released from the nucleus of the atom. This nuclear energy within an atom can be released through two methods: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.

Nuclear fusion occurs from the combination of several atoms into a larger atom. Through this process, nuclear energy is released. (Fun Side Note: the sun produces its energy through nuclear fusion!). This generates an incredible amount of energy, and an even greater amount of energy is generated – several times greater – than nuclear fission. Furthermore, fission products that are highly radioactive are not produced by nuclear fusion. The problem with nuclear fusion is that in order for atom nuclei to be joined together it requires incredible amounts of pressure and high temperatures, which results in nuclear fusion being very challenging to be sustained for long periods of time. However, scientists are studying and researching fusion reactors for the potential of them to be used in the future.

Nuclear fission releases nuclear energy when atoms are split in order to produce even smaller atoms. Nuclear power plants produce electricity by using nuclear fission. The initiation and control of nuclear fission is far easier than nuclear fusion, and within these nuclear power reactors, in most instances, uranium and plutonium are used. Something that is very interesting about nuclear fission is that water is heated and becomes steam, this arises due to the amount of energy that is released within these nuclear fission reactors. This is valuable because carbon-free electricity can be generated, this occurs because turbines are spun from the steam that is produced.


Like with almost all solutions that exist, when examining their viability, we need to expound upon the challenges and disadvantages that exist. The ratio that exists between advantages and disadvantages will vary between different solutions, such as renewable and hybrid energy has significantly greater advantages than disadvantages.

Advantages of Nuclear Energy

  • Nuclear energy is the most reliable source of energy

Out of all the existing methods of generating electricity that exists today, nuclear energy is the most reliable method. Nuclear power plants are known for being able to run for an entire day, 24 hours, and for an entire week, 7 days. Nuclear power plants have been constructed with the purpose of operating for long durations and are only required to refuel every 1 and a half to 2 years. It has been calculated that in the year 2019 more than 92% of the time, nuclear power plants were operating at full capacity. Nuclear power plants also require much less maintenance than other types of power plants.

  • Nuclear energy achieves the highest capacity factor
Graph 1: Energy sources and their corresponding capacity factor in 2020 – As determined by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
  • Nuclear energy is a clean source of energy

In terms of being a clean energy source, nuclear energy produces zero-emission. The Nuclear Energy Institute has determined that in the year 2019, more than 476 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions were circumvented by the United States of America. To put that number in terms of something that is more practical to understand, it is equivalent to getting rid of 100 million cars that drive on the road. Nuclear energy ensures that the air quality is protected, as it does not contribute to the thousands of tons of air pollutants that are harmful and are put forth every year. Thus, nuclear energy reduces acid rain, the amount of smog that is produced, and does not contribute to lung cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Compared to any other clean-air energy provider, more electricity is produced by nuclear energy on less land. Furthermore, nuclear energy produces minimal waste.


  • Challenges in the construction of new nuclear power plants

Constructing nuclear power plants are massive infrastructure projects that cost multi-billion dollars. Constructing nuclear power plants is not always feasible. There are high capital costs, licensing and regulation approvals are needed, and there will be inevitable construction delays. Consequently, the public loses confidence, and stakeholders’ interest can be deterred.

From the initial designs of a new nuclear facility to the commission of the plan, the time between start-finish has the potential to be much longer than other types of energy assets. According to Lazard’s levelized cost of energy analysis (version 12.0 – November 2018), a new nuclear power plant costs $151 (112 to 189)/MWh, compared to onshore wind plant costs of $43 (29 to 56)/MWh and to utility-scale solar PV costs of $41 (36 to 46)/MWh. Further, Lazard’s calculations for a new nuclear power plant’s levelized cost of energy analysis are underestimated, as it takes the construction time to be 5.75 years, the potential cost of a major nuclear meltdown is not considered, and the costs of nuclear waste that needs to be stored for a duration of hundreds of thousands of years is not considered in its calculations.

  • The operating costs that exist with nuclear power plants are massive

The nuclear energy industry has been struggling to compete with other forms of energy providers and is a by-product of poor market conditions that are faced worldwide. Globally there are harsh regulations that are enforced upon the nuclear energy industry and as a result, it creates a significant financial burden.

  • The rapidly increasing military risks that exist with nuclear energy

The nuclear energy industry’s growth over the last couple of decades has provided that nations have a greater ability to obtain or harvest plutonium or to enrich uranium, and all these materials are collected not for energy purposes but rather for the manufacturing of nuclear-based weapons of mass destruction. This is a fact that even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change acknowledges, and in their 2014 Executive Summary report on energy they established that a significant risk and massive barrier that the nuclear energy industry faces are the “nuclear weapons proliferation concerns.”

  • Nuclear power plants pose a meltdown risk

Every nuclear power plant that has been built has, to some degree, melted down at a percentage of 1.5%. There are two degrees of severity that these meltdowns result in; either they are catastrophic, such as the Chernobyl disaster in Russia in 1986, or they are damaging, such as the Saint-Laurent incident in France in 1980.


While there are some advantages that exist with nuclear energy as a source to produce electricity, it is not the most feasible source of energy that exists today. The far superior alternative that exists today is renewable energy and especially hybrid energy. These fields of expertise are right in USP&E’s wheelhouse, as our hybrid energy options are without equal. While it is true that new technologies are being developed in the nuclear energy industry, such as microreactors and small modular reactors, they are not a given answer for the future’s source of energy. However, fairly accurate estimations can be made when it comes to renewable energy, and when estimations have looked at the future, even the for the next 10 years, renewable energy, with new capacity being considered, is the primary source of generating electricity. A crucial aspect of building new power stations for mines and other industries is the duration which it takes to be built. Hybrid energy provides efficiency in a reasonable time frame. Hybrid energy solutions are a clear choice, as hybrid energy requires a significantly less time frame than compared with a nuclear power plant. As it exists today nuclear options are just not viable, especially against the alternative energy options that exist today, hybrid and nuclear energy being such options.

Renewable energy comes in a vast variety of forms:

  • Biomass
  • Wood and wood waste
  • Municipal solid waste
  • Landfill gas and biogas
  • Ethanol
  • Biodiesel
  • Hydropower
  • Geothermal
  • Wind
  • Solar

Many of the intermittency concerns that exist with renewable energy are being reduced and even removed. This is due to the advancements that are being made with storage technologies and with even further price reductions. Nations across the globe are, at a rapid rate, installing and producing renewable power sources at scales that range from large to small, and they are implementing new storage technologies. China is the world’s greatest pursuer when it comes to nuclear energy and they are providing capacity with wind and solar power, even compared with nuclear energy. It is also important to note that this increased capacity for renewable energy is not simply just nameplate capacity, rather it’s authentic generated power. Within even the next 10 years the renewable energy industry is expected to experience massive growth.

Hybrid Energy v Nuclear Energy

  • It is estimated that within the following 10 years, renewable energy (with hybrid options) will produce a greater worth of electricity than nuclear energy, with more than 100 nuclear reactors worth of electricity.
  • The construction time of nuclear power plants exceeds that of renewable energy/hybrid energy sites.
  • The costs to build nuclear power plants exceeds that of renewable energy/hybrid energy sites.
  • The operating costs of power plants are significantly greater than that of renewable energy/hybrid energy sites.
  • There are significantly fewer risks associated with renewable energy/hybrid energy.
  • The USP&E Factor

At USP&E we champion ourselves on our efficiency when it comes to Hybrid Energy. Anywhere in the world, USP&E is able to provide the most reliable, 24/7 reliability, and advanced renewable and controls technology, with our hybrid thermal and renewable power package offerings. Electricity production costs are able to be reduced by 20%. Thus, greater reliability is ensured at a lower operating cost. Through our technologies and methods, our client’s energy infrastructures are strengthened. Furthermore, we can achieve increased lifespan duration and decrease the operation and maintenance costs (O&M) for a thermal power station. This amongst a multitude of other factors highlights the importance and value that our Hybrid Power Station Solutions provide.

USP&E offers a wide variety of products and services.

Such products include Natural Gas Generators, Natural Gas Power Plant, and Natural Gas Turbines.

Such services include Group Capabilities, BFS (Bankable Feasibility Studies), EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction), O&M (Operations & Maintenance), and SCADA Upgrades (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).

At USP&E we pride ourselves on our workings with Biomass Energy. With biomass energy being recognized as a renewable energy source, it qualifies for carbon credits as determined by the Kyoto Protocol (the first agreement that exists between nations in order to achieve a mandate, that stretches country-by-country, that greenhouse-gas emissions will be reduced). Thermal energy is produced directly with biomass energy, or biofuel (such as biogas and syngas) is produced indirectly with biomass energy. This indirect product of biomass is created through biochemical conversion methods that have been greatly used by USP&E and our partners. Through Biomass, a Clean Energy System can be provided that produces a hydrogen-rich gas stream that is inexpensive and can supply on demand. The ideal usage of this core technology is for clean energy applications, such examples include distributed or centralized electrical power generation or the production of synthetic diesel fuel.

USP&E has a unique approach and specialty when it comes to dealing with renewable energy. Our mission at USP&E is to deliver the most cost-effective and efficient power station engineering, procurement, construction, and O&M solutions worldwide; and we believe that the best way to achieve our mission is to work with and excel in all aspects of renewable energy. Now more than ever before, the whole world is in desperate need of significant and sustainable cost improvements when it comes to generating power. USP&E is the vanguard of utilizing renewable energy to its maximum potential and of the merging together of a new generation of Hybrid technologies, in order to deliver the most efficient solutions.


Nuclear energy may one day be the main energy provider of the future, but as of now, that is not the case. Yes, new nuclear energy technologies are being developed, but they provide no certainty or guarantee that they will come through in the end. Further, with all these advancements, new challenges and disadvantages may arise. It is important to look to the future, but it is also equally important to appreciate the now. The present unquestionable solution that exists for providing the cleanest, most reliable, and most cost-efficient energy is renewable and hybrid energy. Also, renewable/hybrid energy technologies are being developed and the innovations that may be produced could very trump all nuclear energy technologies. The solutions that USP&E provides are incredibly environmentally sound, they have massive reliability in the industry, and our customizable options are suited for any budget, anywhere in the world. At the end of the day, none can provide as USP&E can.

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